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Bits and Bobs


91 comments in just under 12 hours. Wow. That’s definitely a record for this wee little blog; you guys must really want bunnies!

I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble by drawing this out any longer, so here are the 12 names selected at random to get one of these critters in the mail….

Ugliducklyn (Comment #55)
Liz (Comment #26)
Josefin (Comment #48)
Sarah (Comment #71)
Samm (Comment #25)
Vegan Addict
Stephanie Anne (Comment #29)
Brenda W. (Comment #20)
Gretchen Noelle
Jenna (Comment #11)

Do you see your name up here? If so, shoot me an email with your address, and let me know if you’d like me to make your bunny into a magnet, ornament, or leave it as is. Also, you could list a couple of color preferences, and while I can’t make any promises on that front, I will do my best to get you the bunny you want.

In case your name wasn’t chosen this time around, don’t worry! Another contest or random lottery drawing is always just around the corner.

I’d also like to just take the time to thank Joanna for rating my blog as “E for excellent,” but I’m afraid I have far too many favorites to pick 10 myself. The blogs listed in my blogroll aren’t even a fraction of what I check- I think there are at least 350 – 400 blogs on my reader now!

A while back, Chelsea also tagged me to tell 5 things about myself. I really do hate talking about myself, but I promised that I would do this one and have been slacking, so let’s do this real quick…

1. I sleep with a giant stuffed strawberry. Most normal kids would have a teddy bear or something, but no, I have a plush strawberry that’s about as big as medium-sized cat.

2. I’m absolutely, completely terrified of doctors. I don’t have a problem with needles or medical procedures per say, but if I see those creepy guys in their white coats, I’m running the other way.

3. My favorite [commercial] frozen dessert ever is Whole Soy’s Creme Caramel. Holy crap, it’s tough not to eat the whole container in one sitting.

4. I probably sprained my ankle a couple days ago because it’s rather swollen and painful to walk on. Boo!

5. Finally, I’m planning on doing a little one-week vacation in Portland over the summer, so if anyone has suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

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