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Hidden Treasures


Growing up in a household where nothing gets thrown out, you become accustomed to a good deal of clutter, and the frequent searches for items that become lost in the disarray. Most of the mess is hidden away in closets and beneath beds, but the clutter often creeps out from its hiding place and makes organization impossible. It’s certainly nice to have just about every craft supply I could ever ask for right at my finger tips, from piles of yarn right down to old glass jars and odd buttons, but the abundance tends to obscure that one thing I’m looking for. Want a certain book? Well, I can find plenty of old magazines and news papers, but it would seem as though this book had never even been put to print. Even things that are right out in the open can get sucked into the scenery, and a cell phone placed in the wrong spot will seemingly vanish.

The bright side is that more often than not, rediscovered treasures are found on a nearly daily basis. Poking through the bookshelves in our seldom-used family room yielded just such a surprise the other day, but it wasn’t just some odd trinket this time.

Standing no taller than an inch in height, this creature wasn’t just tiny, he was practically microscopic! Nestled in amongst books that were 10 times his size, this mini elephant was having one heck of a time trying to crack one open. I could tell he was book lover at heart, and would have poured over every last text in the house had he been able to reach them. It’s a good thing I happened to spot him and help out, otherwise it could have been ages before he got to even one book!

With all of the old volumes we have stored there, I’m certain that he’ll be able to find whatever it is that he’s searching for. However, with so many books to get through, I’ll know where to find him for quite a while to come!

[On an unrelated note, I’ve been having difficulty accessing my email, so I’m sorry I haven’t yet responded to your emails.  Hopefully the problem should be cleared up soon!]

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