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With tight scheduling comes a degree of madness, as I’m quickly learning. It takes more than just a pair of fast legs and an eye on the clock to make it everywhere on time, and if you’re not at the top of your game, your consolation prize will be a door in the face. How cruel it is to have a teacher who locks the door on those poor students who had the misfortune of being just a minute or two behind schedule! Most offenses are forgivable – Late papers can generally be given extensions, confusion over the class material can be remedied by extra help after class – But arriving after class is slated to begin? The worst crime a student could commit in terms of their studies.

Of course, being conditioned with the saying that the “early bird catches the worm,” whether I try to not, I always manage to be the first person in almost every class, sometimes barging in a full 10 minutes early. Trust me, it doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but another 10 minutes that a typical college kid can sleep, scramble to finish forgotten homework, or maybe even take their first shower in weeks is absolutely invaluable. Thus my madness- Despite such a crazy time strain to get work done and make it to classes, I’m forced to slow down when trudging off to those dust-coated buildings with their ancient text books instead of picking up my pace.

Taking a “leisurely”stroll to Japanese Literature, trying to take in every last green leaf and ashen pebble so as not to arrive a full 15 minutes early, I spotted a surprising creature sniffing about in the midday sunlight the other day…

Very rarely do you see dogs on campus, and even more peculiar was the lack of collar or identification of any sort. Not the least bit shy, he bounded right over to where I stood, staring blankly with curiosity, jumping about enthusiastically and encouraging me to rain attention down on him. Naturally I obliged, but I couldn’t just pet the solitary pup and continue on my way with a clear conscience, not knowing whether he might have to spend the night in the dump or the pound. Luckily, a small margin of time remained, and I hurried him back to the safety of my room, set out a generous meal of whatever could be salvaged from the pantry, and ran off to my obligations.

Crazy and brazen move as that was, I simply wouldn’t feel satisfied leaving the sweet little fellow to fend for himself in the cold, cruel world out there. Unfortunately, this arrangement can’t last for long, since there’s a strict policy against pets in the dorm. Because of this, I need your help! Are you interested in adopting this adorable stray? He’s completely house broken, very loving, and definitely low maintenance. Just in case there is more than one interested foster parent, I thought I might make this into a contest, since it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m afraid this one will be much harder, but you guys are so smart, I’m going to change the rules a bit: Even if someone nails it, I want everyone to keep guessing, and I’ll put all of the correct answers in a hat and choose the winner at random. You will have until Saturday, September 22, 10 am EST to guess, so, can you tell me what this is…?

You can only make one guess, so make it count! Good luck!

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