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I Scream for Ice Cream


If you’ve been keeping an eye on my Flickr photostream, you may have started to notice a recurring theme lately: Ice cream. Ever since first discovering that delicious vegan ice cream really exists, I simply can’t get enough of the stuff. Whether purchasing new flavors on the market, trying new brands, churning my own, or dreaming up recipes to use it in, (milkshakes, ice cream cakes, frozen pies!) I am just entirely enamoured with this chilly delight. Guilty of consuming about a pint a day, including some amazing ice cream sandwiches, I think I’m making up for all the years of lacking this particular dessert in record time.

With numerous pints of the stuff taking up real estate in my freezer and occupying prime space in my mind, it was inevitable that my new-found love for the creamy treat would translate itself into yarn. What I didn’t expect, however, was that it would happen by accident. Beginning with the pattern for the “Sundae Oh La La Cheesecake,” (scroll down to the bottom) I had absolutely no intention of making an ice cream replica… But somehow, when it was all said and done, it was undeniable that this was no “cheesecake” but my frozen fixation manifesting itself once again.

And who am I to fight such an obvious fit? Nestled into a waffle bowl, it is right at home next to the a real container of dairy-less delight, begging only for a spoon. Although this version might leave a fuzzy taste in your mouth, at least it is guaranteed not to melt, even on the hottest of summer days!

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