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My Fuzzy Strawberry


Strangely enough, no matter how long I searched, there isn't a single pattern on the internet [for free] that instructs you on how to make just a plain, stuffed strawberry.  Sure, there are pouches and flat refridgerator magnets, but not what I was after.

It's not perfect, but I'm pretty damn proud of this little guy!  Not only did I somehow manage to crochet it, but I didn't even use a pattern!  When I started, I realized I didn't even know how to decrease with crochet, so I think my 'skills' have already come a long way.  Nonetheless, the leaves were impossible to crochet, (I tried about 4 different methods) so I ended up cutting them out of felt and sewing them on, carrying over the same thread to attach the little "seeds."

Sadly, to get it to look that acceptable, it took me about two and a half hours, and in the process I stabbed myself so deeply with the needle that I bled on my shirt before I realized my finger was gushing blood.  Still, I've never made anything with a pattern before, with the exception of simple scarves, so I'm not complaining.

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