Shameless Self-Promotion

Temporarily overshadowed by the frozen delight that was my ice cream feature in the most recent issue of VegNews magazine, I completely failed to mention the other delicious recipes I contributed photos for. How such stellar recipes could slip my mind, I can’t begin to explain!

Do you have tons of excess summer produce rolling around on your counter? Try pickling them! These approachable formulas from Jesse Miner are quick and easy, with novel flavor combinations to boot. Can you say “Spicy Indian Cauliflower Pickles”? Golden-hued, warmly spiced, and invigoratingly tangy, they were easily my favorite of the three.

Fans of Gena Hamshaw likely not only know about her Raw Energy Bars, but have already made and devoured them. For everyone else, consider this your extra push: With only two ingredients, you really can’t get a more wholesome sweet snack.

Speaking of VegNews, their annual Veggie Awards have just opened as of yesterday. Nominated in three categories, I would like to think that there’s a decent chance of at least one of them pulling through, but I’m up against some seriously stiff competition. The best names in Veganism are all there, so I’m seriously going to need all the help I can get! Cast your vote today, and I’d be forever grateful if you could check the ballots for me under the following options:

Favorite Cookbook Author
Favorite Blog (BitterSweet)
Favorite VegNews Column (My Sweet Vegan)

Now I won’t stoop to such desperate measures as bribery… But do keep your eyes peeled for some fun and delicious giveaways soon to come to the blog!

32 thoughts on “Shameless Self-Promotion

  1. Congratulations on the VegNews feature. You so deserved it.
    You make pickled veggies look so good, I’m hitting my farmers markets to grab
    some favorites to preserve for colder weather.

  2. Whoa, I totally misread your first sentence and I was all concerned. I thought you said “ice cream failure”! And I was all, say wha? I thought something went horribly awry, maybe a misprint or something. Suffice to say, I’m glad it’s just me being blind. Congrats on the “feature”. :)

  3. Hi Hannah

    Can you tell me where to find the pickle recipes? The link to Jesse Miner’s page just has his basic info but no recipes… same for the energy bars. :-) Am I missing something?

    1. Hi Tamara,

      Both these recipes are in the July/August issue of VegNews, which is why I contributed these photos. Unfortunately I can’t share the recipes, but the magazine should still be on news stands and in some book stores, so it shouldn’t be too tough to hunt down a copy.

  4. Hannah, congratulations on your nomination…very well deserved :-)
    I love pickled vegetables…
    Hope you are having a fantastic week!

  5. Congrats, and you’ve surely got my vote! :)

    The pickles sound wonderful…I’ve never heard of pickles with Indian spices before.

  6. Hannah, i voted with great enthusiasm for you !

    attended Sherri Brooks Vinton’s canning lesson at Sport Hill Farm on Sat. and it was fantastic. take a look at her book PUT ‘EM UP. you will enjoy it and may want to mention it. she is local, too.

    1. Oh I wish I had known about the canning demo- That’s one thing I’ve been meaning to learn for years, and still haven’t quite gotten around to. I will check out the book though…

      Thank you so much for your vote!

  7. The picture of pickles made me want that cauliflower immediately! It’s such an enticing photo. Thanks :) I have the cauliflower pickles percolating in my fridge right now.

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