Carp Kites and Chaos

Happy Chinese New Year! I’ve heard that it’s a good omen to have a baby or start a business in the year of the pig, so… Get to it!

One thought on “Carp Kites and Chaos

  1. I think the Chinese calendar is very accurate… I was born in the year of the horse. Here is the description, which by the way fits me pretty well (except for that “selfish” part – don’t like that too much!):

    Year of the Horse

    If you are born in the Year of the Horse then you are amazingly hard working and very independent. Although you are intelligent and friendly, you can sometimes be a bit selfish. Careerwise you would make a good scientist or poet.

    Famous people born in the Year Of The Horse:
    Ian Cuthbertson, Robert Wagner, Rolf Harris, Helmit Kohl, Clint Eastwood,Barbara Streisand, John Thaw, Aretha Franklin

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