Sweet Pea

Weekend boredom can make you knit the strangest things…

Really, just a tiny little nothing, but to my knowledge there are no other knit peas in a pod out there yet, so I was just filling in the gaps, right? It's only about as long as my index finger or so, and working with those tiny DPNs was a bit of a pain, but talk about fast! I had the whole pattern written in a matter of hours!

So, for anyone craving their own crazy little peapod, [Sans the goofy expressions, of course] the pattern will be coming some time a little later in the week, so that I can smooth out the wording a bit and hopefully make it comprehensive!

3 thoughts on “Sweet Pea

  1. A-ha! You *are* knitting again. After all that talk about wanting to do nothing but crochet, I thought another Knitter had been seduced forever by The Hook. ;-)

  2. Adorable! (as always) I have joked with my boyfriend that he and I are two soy beans in a pod. And just today I thought I should knit a peapod with 3 peas for a friend who just had a baby. I was thinking I’d make it a rattle and embroider the initials of the two mamas and the baby, each on 1 pea.

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